Examining the effects of online learning platforms on student satisfaction and academic performance in management study in China

Examining the effects of online learning platforms on student satisfaction and academic performance in management study in China


  • Tania Bakrie, Syaifuddin, Christin Agustina Purba


online learning platforms, student satisfaction, academic performance, management, quantitative study.


The current study utilized the quantitative study to investigate the effects of online learning platforms on students’ satisfaction and academic performance in management studies in China. To attain this objective, 250 undergraduate management students from a target university in China were recruited and divided into two groups: one received traditional face-to-face instruction, while the other had access to an online learning platform alongside face-to-face class. Pre-test and post-test assessments were conducted to measure the respondents’ satisfaction and academic performance. Results showed that students with access to the online platform reported higher satisfaction levels with their learning experience. Meanwhile, the online platform’s interactive features and personalized learning pathways contributed to this positive feedback. Additionally, students who employ the online platform demonstrated improved academic performance, indicating its effectiveness in enhancing learning outcomes. The findings suggest that online learning platform has the potential to transform the management education landscape, fostering active and self-directed learners. However, further research is required to explore long-term effects and implications for different student populations and disciplines. Overall, the study underscores the value of online platforms in improving student satisfaction and academic performance in management education in China.



How to Cite

Tania Bakrie, Syaifuddin, Christin Agustina Purba. (2023). Examining the effects of online learning platforms on student satisfaction and academic performance in management study in China. CEMJP, 31(3), 369–378. Retrieved from http://journals.kozminski.cem-j.org/index.php/pl_cemj/article/view/977


