Realizing Good Governance in Governance Through Law Enforcement and Democracy

Realizing Good Governance in Governance Through Law Enforcement and Democracy


  • Romli Arsad


Governance, Rules of Law, Pillars of Democracy


Good governance is an important aspect in maintaining integrity, transparency, accountability and public participation in government decision-making. Legal policy, as an instrument that regulates government behavior and actions, has a crucial role in achieving this goal. This study aims to analyze the role of legal policy in realizing good governance. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results of this study indicate that creating a good government can be done as long as it has implemented the rule of law, the pillars of democracy, and good governance. The rule of law ensures the existence of law as the basis for governance, while the pillars of democracy emphasize freedom, participation, equality and accountability. Good governance is a framework for implementing these principles effectively, including efficiency, transparency, participation and integrity. By applying these principles, it is hoped that government will be effective, accountable and responsive to the needs of the community.



How to Cite

Romli Arsad. (2023). Realizing Good Governance in Governance Through Law Enforcement and Democracy. CEMJP, 31(2), 1249–1253. Retrieved from


