Training Management For Field Cooperative Extension Official At Service Of Cooperations And Small Medium Enterprises In West Nusa Tenggara
Training management, for Field Cooperative Extension Officers.Abstract
This research is based on the main problem regarding Field Cooperative Extension Officers (FCEO) need to be equipped with adequate and competent cooperative knowledge as a guide and coach for cooperative members and the community in cooperative activities, cooperative members and the community in the field to fully understand, realize the importance of FCEO as a cooperative extension agent, this is one of the supporting factors in realizing an increase in people's income. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe more deeply about how training management for PPKL can then be obtained which steps are more effective and efficient so that the cooperative apparatus develops, is sustainable and improves quality and keeps up with the times, so that it is expected to be a solution to problems that occur in the community field. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method, the data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews with informants or resource persons from representatives of the apparatus in the Cooperative and SME agencies and researchers conducted an in-depth analysis through case studies on FCEO in the Cooperatives and SMEs Office in Nusa Southeast West. The results showed that the training strategy for PPKL obtained training methods through 1) Online / Zoom meetings, 2) Blended Learning 3) Classical or Face-to-face and four new types of training were obtained, namely 1) Cooperative Management, 2) Sariah Economics, 3) Cooperative Digitalization. , 4) Modern Cooperatives and training strategies based on theory adopting references to management/training cycles, namely 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3). Development (Development), 4) Implementation and 5) Evaluation and the results of further research found a very important and basic substance, namely members of cooperatives and the community so that their existence can be maintained (existence) can be sustainable, empowerment through coaching towards members of cooperatives and the general public in the field related to improving the lives and welfare of cooperative members and the general public, the guidance is through 1). Asset Development, 2). Fostering and Managing Productive Areas and 3). Build Relationships