The Vital Role of Student Social Interaction Outside Class in the University Environment

The Vital Role of Student Social Interaction Outside Class in the University Environment


  • Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen


Lecturers; Social Interaction; Soft Skills


Soft skills training is usually a topic of attention and evaluation among university lecturers and educational scholars in Vietnam. However, there are still numerous issues with the evaluation at the time, which is why this study focuses on the value of soft skills courses at Ho Chi Minh City Open University. The essay specifically examines after-school social contact between university lecturers and students to be a component that has a significant influence on students' demand for social connection after extracurricular activities. The findings of analysing and examining data gathered on more than 300 students from Ho Chi Minh City Open University's majors reveal that the importance of implementing and maintaining social contacts among students helps the development of communication skills in students. This is regarded as a vital requirement for raising the lesson's interest. During these social encounters, most students have a pretty high degree of pleasure with their lecturers. Following that, research suggests that many students still struggle to maintain and create relationships with their peers. Finally, the author provides several options for promoting students' social communication both during and after school hours.



How to Cite

Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen. (2022). The Vital Role of Student Social Interaction Outside Class in the University Environment. CEMJP, 30(4), 461–468. Retrieved from


