The impact of talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies in the hospitality industry

The impact of talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies in the hospitality industry


  • Chirag Singhal, Naveen Negi



ability the board; optional work conduct; ability fascination; ability improvement; ability maintenance; charitableness; sportsmanship; scruples.


Cordiality associations have endured a ton of mishaps, for example, low execution brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic, during which most administration took extraordinary choices to conserve ability, and these choices have induced low optional work conduct and low profound work show among its ability. These ailments would have been deflected in the event that ability the board rehearses were carried out successfully by neighborliness associations. It depends on this reason that this study examines the impact of ability the executives on optional work conduct in cordiality associations in Nigeria utilizing a review research plan. An example edge of 820 was attracted from 60 enrolled neighborliness associations the south-eastern piece of Nigeria. An example size of 263 was drawn from the example outline. Direct relapse was utilized to investigations the planned speculations with the guide of IBM measurable bundle for the sociologies adaptation 20.0. The discoveries of the review show that ability the executives aspects essentially affect optional work conduct in friendliness associations in Nigeria. The review reasons that ability the executives estimated as far as ability fascination, ability advancement and ability maintenance fundamentally affect the signs of optional work conduct. The review suggests that human asset experts and hierarchical pioneers ought to use ability the executives as a technique to upgrade optional work conduct in their particular associations.



How to Cite

Chirag Singhal, Naveen Negi. (2022). The impact of talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies in the hospitality industry. CEMJP, 30(2), 58–62.


