Effect of the combination of cassava silage with alcohol distillery vinasse on the productive indicators of pre-fattening pigs

Effect of the combination of cassava silage with alcohol distillery vinasse on the productive indicators of pre-fattening pigs


  • Asterio DenisBarbaru-Grajales, Ana Ximena Salguero-Cajo, Carlos Roberto Lopez-Paredes, Fabian Miguel Carrillo-Riofrio, Karel Ismar Acosta-Perez




pig feeding, body weight, cassava, stillage, pig, productive.


Different investigations have been carried out to fatten pigs, the objective is to test the effect of cassava silage combined with vinasse from an alcohol distillery in the feeding of pre-fattening animals. It was used as a quantitative and qualitative methodology and experimentation was used as a technique, this was developed in an experimental farm during an evaluation period of 42 days, an Anova was used to verify the presence of significant differences and then to compare the means a test of Duncan. The results were positive due to the increase in the body mass of the animal, which suggests that the combination of the product in pigs precedes having a positive effect on feeding and higher productive performance, recommending the use of the product as a food alternative for the pig industry.



How to Cite

Asterio DenisBarbaru-Grajales, Ana Ximena Salguero-Cajo, Carlos Roberto Lopez-Paredes, Fabian Miguel Carrillo-Riofrio, Karel Ismar Acosta-Perez. (2023). Effect of the combination of cassava silage with alcohol distillery vinasse on the productive indicators of pre-fattening pigs. CEMJP, 31(2), 742–747. https://doi.org/10.57030/23364890.cemj.31.2.761


