Leadership Style, Quality Management, Organizational Culture, and Collaboration Concept in Improving the Absorption of Vocational Higher Education Graduates

Leadership Style, Quality Management, Organizational Culture, and Collaboration Concept in Improving the Absorption of Vocational Higher Education Graduates


  • Antonius Ary Setyawan, Harjanto Prabowo, Boto Simatupang, Yosef Dedy Pradipto




Leadership, Organizational Culture, Quality Management, Collaboration, Vocational Education.


This study aims to get an overview related to the implementation of education at the vocational tertiary level, where vocational education aims to produce graduates who are ready to be absorbed by industry. In this study, it will be described how the role of leadership, quality management, organizational culture and collaboration with industry in improving the performance of vocational tertiary lecturers so as to improve the quality of graduates which in turn can increase the absorption of Vocational Higher Education graduates by surrounding industries. This research focuses on the performance of Vocational Colleges in Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, and data collection in this study was carried out using a desk study technique. The results of the study show that the performance of Vocational Higher Education has a very large contribution in increasing employment absorption rates, which in the implementation of education are strongly supported by elements of leadership, organizational culture, quality management and collaboration with industry which can produce graduates who are ready to be absorbed by the industrial world.



How to Cite

Antonius Ary Setyawan, Harjanto Prabowo, Boto Simatupang, Yosef Dedy Pradipto. (2023). Leadership Style, Quality Management, Organizational Culture, and Collaboration Concept in Improving the Absorption of Vocational Higher Education Graduates. CEMJP, 31(2), 396–409. https://doi.org/10.57030/23364890.cemj.31.2.44


