Collaborative Governance of Hajj Implementation in Indonesia: A Case Study at the Office of the Ministry of Religion in Bandung

Collaborative Governance of Hajj Implementation in Indonesia: A Case Study at the Office of the Ministry of Religion in Bandung


  • Dedeng Yusuf Maolani, Benyamin Harits, Iwan Satibi


Collaborative Governance, Organizing the Hajj Pilgrimage, Bandung City.


The implementation of the pilgrimage in the city of Bandung has been carried out continuously and involves various stakeholders, namely the government, private sector and the community, which is referred to as collaborative governance. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness and collaborative governance models in organizing the pilgrimage in the city of Bandung. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques in the form of observation, in-depth interviews and documentation studies. Collaborative governance in the implementation of the pilgrimage in the city of Bandung has not run effectively this is due to a lack of communication, coordination and synergistic cooperation between stakeholders in the implementation of the pilgrimage. The collaborative governance model in organizing the pilgrimage has so far been in the form of a triple helix which only consists of government, private and community elements. This model is considered ineffective, so it is necessary to involve other stakeholders in organizing the pilgrimage, namely elements of higher education and the involvement of the mass media so that multistakeholder cooperation will have a pentahelix pattern, in which there are five stakeholders involved namely government, universities, private/corporate, community, and mass media. With the addition of stakeholders supported by good coordination and cooperation between stakeholders organizing the pilgrimage, it will result in an effective implementation of the pilgrimage in accordance with the objectives.



How to Cite

Dedeng Yusuf Maolani, Benyamin Harits, Iwan Satibi. (2023). Collaborative Governance of Hajj Implementation in Indonesia: A Case Study at the Office of the Ministry of Religion in Bandung. CEMJP, 31(1), 900–912. Retrieved from


