Analysis of Village fund allocation Policy Implementation process in Banyurasa Village, Sukahening District, Tasikmalaya Regency

Analysis of Village fund allocation Policy Implementation process in Banyurasa Village, Sukahening District, Tasikmalaya Regency


  • Ishak Kusnandar



Implementation Process, Policy, Allocation of Village Funds


The purpose of this study was to find out the Implementation Process of Village Fund Allocation Policies in Banyurasa Village, Sukahening District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The formulation of the problem is how the process of implementing the Village Fund Allocation policy in Banyurasa Village, Sukahening District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is rooted in a scientific background as a whole, relies on humans as a research tool, conducts data analysis inductively directs the research target in an effort to find theory from the ground up, being descriptive is more concerned with process than results, limits studies with focus, has a set of criteria to check the validity data, the research design is provisional and the results of the research are agreed upon by both researchers and research subjects. simultaneously has been implemented in the moderate category. Partially, of the six aspects of the policy implementation process in implementing Village Fund Allocation in Banyurasa Village, Sukahening District, Tasikmalaya Regency, it is in the less category, namely communication between organizational units in implementing Village Fund Allocation policies. Fund sources are still insufficient for village operations and community services. The quantity and quality of employee resources is also lacking. The encouragement of employees is still lacking in implementing the Village Fund Allocation policy in Banyurasa Village, Sukahening District, Tasikmalaya Regency.



How to Cite

Ishak Kusnandar. (2022). Analysis of Village fund allocation Policy Implementation process in Banyurasa Village, Sukahening District, Tasikmalaya Regency. CEMJP, 30(4), 2374–2380.


