A Study to Explore the Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Students’ Academic Achievement at College Level

A Study to Explore the Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Students’ Academic Achievement at College Level


  • Najaf Hussain*, Syed Ali Muneeb, Muhammad Hashim, Muhammad Ishfaq, Kainat Batool




Socioeconomic Factors, Students’ academic achievement, Government college


The study addressed the influence of socioeconomic factors on academic achievement of students at college level. Using survey research methodology, the sample of 292 participants were selected from all intermediate classes by applying simple random sampling technique. To gather data from sample, questionnaire was administered. The validity and reliability of instrument was determined through experts’ opinions and pilot testing and overall calculated reliability was at 0.89. Regression analysis was used to establish relationship between socioeconomic factors and academic achievement. The multiple linear regression was employed to analyze the data, R Square was used to check the goodness of fit of the model, ANOVA to measure the level of dispersion from conformity and F value (1-tailed) was used for testing of hypothesis and overall prediction of model. Results revealed that percentage marks obtained in Matric and in December test, daily study hours at home, father’s education, mother’s education, and father’s income are factors which had positive and statistically significant effects on academic achievement of students. Whereas distance from college in km, monthly absentees, journey time to college in minutes, and family size are factors which had negative and statistically significant effects on academic achievement of students. Further research, needs to be done by getting teachers’ and principal’s perceptions as well.



How to Cite

Najaf Hussain*, Syed Ali Muneeb, Muhammad Hashim, Muhammad Ishfaq, Kainat Batool. (2022). A Study to Explore the Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Students’ Academic Achievement at College Level. CEMJP, 30(4), 2223–2229. https://doi.org/10.57030/23364890.cemj.30.4.232


