The Effect Of Work Motivation And Work Discipline On Employee Performance In Bappeda Office (Development Planning Agency At Sub-National Level) Karawang District

The Effect Of Work Motivation And Work Discipline On Employee Performance In Bappeda Office (Development Planning Agency At Sub-National Level) Karawang District


  • Asep Jamaludin, Citra Savitri, Wanta, Aji Tuhagana, Suroso



Motivation work , Work Discipline; Employee Performance.


This study aims to determine, analyze, and explain: the relationship of work motivation, work discipline and employee performance in the Karawang Regency Regional Development Planning Agency. This research was conducted using a descriptive verification method. The total population in this study was 105 people. Samples taken based on saturated sampling techniques amounted to 105 people or the entire population. Data analysis techniques using correlation analysis, coefficient of determination and path analysis (path analysis). Based on the results of the descriptive test, work motivation, work discipline and employee performance are in good criteria. The results of this study are: based on the results of the verification test, it is known that there is a strong and positive relationship between work motivation and work discipline in the Karawang Regency Regional Development Planning Agency. There is a partial effect of work motivation on employee performance both directly and indirectly with a total effect of 13.1%. There is some influence of work discipline on employee performance both directly and indirectly with a total effect of 27.1%. There is a joint effect of work motivation and performance on employee performance of 40.2% while the remaining 59.8% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.



How to Cite

Asep Jamaludin, Citra Savitri, Wanta, Aji Tuhagana, Suroso. (2022). The Effect Of Work Motivation And Work Discipline On Employee Performance In Bappeda Office (Development Planning Agency At Sub-National Level) Karawang District. CEMJP, 30(4), 2166–2174.


