Japan's Development and Unbalanced World Economy Briefly on Japan's International Economic Policy Issues

Japan's Development and Unbalanced World Economy Briefly on Japan's International Economic Policy Issues


  • Adam Alshubiri


When discussing the future trend of the world economy, how to coordinate the international economic system—how Japan should contribute to this is a fundamental question. Profound changes in international economic power Over the past 20 years, the power balance in the international economic system has shown unprecedented changes in history, which is most thoroughly reflected in the rise and fall of the economic levels of Japan and the United States. Since the United States has played a pivotal role in the international economy since the 1930s, Japan's economic power against foreign countries has largely led to the decline of the United States' economic influence, reflecting the profound significance of a historic turning point in the development of the world economy. .



How to Cite

Adam Alshubiri. (2022). Japan’s Development and Unbalanced World Economy Briefly on Japan’s International Economic Policy Issues. CEMJP, 24(1), 18–36. Retrieved from http://journals.kozminski.cem-j.org/index.php/pl_cemj/article/view/343


