Policy Implementation Strategy for Development of Vocational Education Based on Character Education in Vocational High Schools in Serang District

Policy Implementation Strategy for Development of Vocational Education Based on Character Education in Vocational High Schools in Serang District


  • Sunariah Sunariah , Ummu Salamah, Iwan Satibi




Policy implementation, SMK, character education, SWOT


This study focuses and aims to examine and analyze the ineffectiveness of implementing character education-based vocational education development policies at Vocational High Schools in Serang Regency using the MSN-Approach theory put forward by Kadji (2008), which determines the success of policy implementation through three approaches, namely the Mentality approach. , Systems and Networks.The research was conducted in Serang District with the units of analysis being the Education and Culture Office of Banten Province, Branch Offices of the Serang and Cilegon Education Offices, and selected State Vocational High Schools in Serang District. The results of the study show that the implementation of character education-based vocational education development policies at Vocational High Schools in Serang Regency has not been effective because the mental and system aspects are still not optimal. This study also found another aspect as a critique of the MSN-Approach theory, namely the aspect of policy content as a novelty or novelty of research. The right policy implementation strategy for the development of character education-based vocational education at Vocational High Schools in Serang Regency was found using a SWOT analysis, namely a diversification strategy, namely by measuring the potential threats that will be present and minimizing the weaknesses they have.



How to Cite

Sunariah Sunariah , Ummu Salamah, Iwan Satibi. (2022). Policy Implementation Strategy for Development of Vocational Education Based on Character Education in Vocational High Schools in Serang District. CEMJP, 30(4), 1793–1804. https://doi.org/10.57030/23364890.cemj.30.4.182


