Community Welfare In Nglanggeran Tourism Village: Community Empowerment Perspective

Community Welfare In Nglanggeran Tourism Village: Community Empowerment Perspective


  • 1*Rochmad Bayu Utomo, 2Nyoman Djinar Setiawina, 3Made Suyana Utama, 4Made Heny Urmila Dewi



Government Role, Private Role, Community Participation, Creative Economy, Community Welfare


Nglanggeran Tourism Village has superior products in the form of processing cocoa into chocolate products from upstream to downstream. Uniquely, the processing is carried out purely by the local community, so that in 2021 it will receive an award as "Best Tourism Village" by UNWTO in community empowerment. Nglanggeran Tourism Village contributes 7.04 percent to Gunungkidul Regency's Regional Original Income (ROI), but the distribution of tourism access is still happening, moreover there are two cases of suicide due to economic problems. This study aims to analyze: the role of the government and the private sector on welfare through community participation, creative economy in Nglanggeran Tourism Village. Where the variables of this research are exogenous variables: the role of the government and the private sector; mediating variables: community participation, creative economy and ecotourism performance; endogenous variable: community welfare. The population of this study is 431 people who live in Nglanggeran Village and are involved in community groups for the development of Nglanggeran Tourism Village. The method of determining the sample is stratified random sampling. This study uses primary data based on the Slovin formula, the error rate of 7 percent is 139 people. Data were collected using observation, questionnaires and in-depth interviews which were analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The results of the study: 1) The role of the government, and the role of the private sector have a positive and significant effect on community participation; 2) The role of the government, the role of the private sector, and public participation have a positive and significant impact on the creative economy; 3) The role of the private sector and the creative economy has a positive and significant impact on the welfare of the community, while the role of the government and community participation is not significant for the welfare of the community; 4) The role of the government, and the role of the private sector indirectly affect the creative economy through community participation; 5) The role of the government, and the role of the private sector indirectly affect the welfare of the community through community participation; 6) Community participation indirectly affects the welfare of the community through the creative economy. Suggestions from the results of this study are the need for government support in infrastructure such as proper road access and community empowerment programs, this is done to increase community participation.



How to Cite

1*Rochmad Bayu Utomo, 2Nyoman Djinar Setiawina, 3Made Suyana Utama, 4Made Heny Urmila Dewi. (2022). Community Welfare In Nglanggeran Tourism Village: Community Empowerment Perspective. CEMJP, 30(4), 1591–1603.


